
Coming Soon

We are always trying to expand our music library; unfortunately, orchestra scores and parts are very expensive and we can only purchase them occasionally.  Would you like to actively help us buying some music we may perform at our next concerts? If you wish to do so, please get in touch. If you help us with a donation to purchase a score, we can guarantee that we will play that score within a year of purchasing and that your family’s name will be acknowledged in our concert’s programme and on this website.

If you would like to sponsor one or more of the following scores (see below), please click the DONATE button; you will be taken to the PAYPAL page, where, other than choosing the amount you wish to donate, you can include your name and the score you want to sponsor.

These are scores we are currently trying to buy:

Thank you for your attention and generosity.

Hannah Speck,

Chairman and Concert Manager CCO

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